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Scams - Do You Know What To Look Out for and How To Report It?

Scams - Do You Know What To Look Out for and How To Report It?

Published: April 21, 2021

Today, it is not unlikely to get an email, text, or phone call from a scammer trying to steal your identity or cash. And, with scams on the rise, First Northern Bank wanted to provide an overview of the common scams hitting businesses and consumers throughout our community. Protect yourself and your accounts by staying informed.

10 Personal Finance Tips for College Students

10 Personal Finance Tips for College Students

Published: April 15, 2021

You understand GPAs and test scores, but now you need to start building a better understanding of credit scores and the value of saving. Here are the top 10 tips designed to give you an edge on mastering personal finance.

April Is Financial Literacy Month - Time to Sharpen Those Pencils

April Is Financial Literacy Month - Time to Sharpen Those Pencils

Published: April 1, 2021

April is officially Financial Literacy Month, however, all of us at First Northern Bank recognize financial literacy all year long. Knowing the importance of learning how to become a good fiscal manager of your money, we?re going to provide tips throughout the month to benefit the youngest in your household to the oldest. And we?ll provide a range of topics from how to become a good saver to tips on how to protect yourself and your money.

Protect Your Business Account

Protect Your Business Account

Published: March 29, 2021

Fraud is on the rise and scammers are increasingly becoming more clever at their attempts to steal your identity and, ultimately, your funds. These thieves gain access to a business? finances to make unauthorized transactions, including transferring funds from the company, creating and adding new fake employees to payroll, and stealing sensitive customer information that may not be recoverable.

Protect Your Economic Impact Payment: Top 5 Scams to Watch Out For

Protect Your Economic Impact Payment: Top 5 Scams to Watch Out For

Published: March 24, 2021

As eligible Americans prepare to receive their economic impact payment from the government, fraudsters are ramping up their efforts to scam people out of their payment. To help you protect yourself, we?re highlighting the five most common scams to watch out for.