Money Basics and Beyond
Published: April 8, 2021
Financial Literacy is not traditionally taught in California schools – and that serves as a disadvantage throughout our communities. So, First Northern Bank is spotlighting our Financial Literacy initiative by spreading the word about its benefits. Through interactive, easy-to-understand materials that’re uniquely tailored to fit all age groups, you can learn essential skills used in everyday life – at no cost!
K – 2nd Grade – understand the basic function of a bank; how bankers help the community; learn the value of, and how to recognize pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars; combine coins to total a specific amount.
3rd – 5th Grade – recognize the importance of tracking money earned and money spent; explain delayed gratification; identify the flow of money from a company to an employee and from a consumer to a business.
Middle School – explain the difference between simple and compound interest; explain how the rule of 72 is used to calculate the speed at which money grows; formulate a group choice when presented with a series of dilemmas with a financial component.
High School – learn about spending money on things that won’t last, like food and entertainment; how to set up a budget when getting a paycheck or lump sum of money; how to prioritize spending “needs” from spending “wants.”
Adults – understand how to read a paystub and learn the difference between Gross Income and Take Home Pay; budget for the real world; understand the responsibility and benefits of credit; how to utilize your bank; how to protect yourself and your money from fraud.
Senior Citizens – learn about protecting financial assets and avoiding financial scams; understanding Powers of Attorney; choosing an Executor; preventing identity theft; choosing a financial caregiver; acting as a responsible financial caregiver.
Our friendly and knowledgeable employee-volunteers have years of experience educating others about money basics and beyond and they’re excited to share their knowledge out in our communities. If you’re affiliated with a local community organization that could benefit from this free service, please contact Rachelle Snead, AVP/Corporate Communications, by emailing [email protected].