Advanced Manufacturing
Our managers and lenders have an average of over 10 years experience with First Northern Bank – DOUBLE the industry average. We have the expertise to understand the nuances and intricacies of your industry and use local decision making to meet your needs.

Advanced Manufacturing
First Northern Bank understands that capital is the financial essence of your business. Whether you are expanding a facility, purchasing new equipment, planning to refinance, or seeking to maintain or exceed product demand, we can help you achieve your goal. Our lenders have experience in many manufacturing sectors — food and beverage, chemicals and plastics, metals and mining, and more.
- New or updated machines to streamline production
- Expansion and time-sensitive growth opportunities
- The purchase and/or transportation of raw materials to the production site
- Corporate operating costs as a result of increased government regulations
- Investing in technology-intensive practices
- Solar panels and other green initiatives
- Checking and Savings Accounts
- eStatements
- Business Credit Card
- Business Debit Card
- Payroll Services
- Origination of Electronic Transactions (Direct Deposit & Direct Payment)
- Bill Payment
- Wire Transfers
- EFTPS Tax Payments
- Remote Deposit Capture
- Positive Pay
- Online Banking
- Mobile Banking