Information & Communication Technologies
Our managers and lenders have an average of over 10 years experience with First Northern Bank – DOUBLE the industry average. We have the expertise to understand the nuances and intricacies of your industry and use local decision making to meet your needs.

Information & Communication Technologies
First Northern Bank is dedicated to the information and communication technology sectors. We build long-lasting relationships by combining our expansive industry knowledge with creative, comprehensive financial solutions and superior execution for your business’s specialized needs. You can count on our team of experienced relationship managers to deliver a customized financial services package that works for today’s fast-moving environment.
- Equipment Loans and Leases
- Loans for Green Initiatives
- Purchase or Refinance Loans
- Business Term Loans
- Business Line of Credit
- Non-Revolving Line to Term Loan
- Small Business Loans (SBA)
- Business Credit Cards
- Commercial and Real Estate Loans
- Construction Loans
- Checking and Savings Accounts
- eStatements
- Business Credit Card
- Business Debit Card
- Payroll Services
- Origination of Electronic Transactions (Direct Deposit & Direct Payment)
- Bill Payment
- Wire Transfers
- EFTPS Tax Payments
- Remote Deposit Capture
- Positive Pay
- Online Banking
- Mobile Banking